Symbolic Notation
Bibliographic Reference
User Manual
Purpose |   |
The main purpose of the program DynaFit is to perform nonlinear least-squares
regression of chemical kinetic, enzyme kinetic, or ligand-receptor binding data.
The experimental data can be either initial reaction velocities in dependence on
the concentration of varied species (e.g., inhibitor concentration vs. velocity),
or the reaction progress curves (e.g., time vs. absorbance).
Symbolic Notation |   |
The main advantage in using the program DynaFit is in the ability to characterize
the (bio)chemical reacting system in terms of symbolic, or stoichiometric, equations.
For example, the ``slow, tight'' inhibition of a dissociative dimeric enzyme is
described by the following text:
Monomer + Monomer <==> Enzyme : k1 k2
Enzyme + Inhibitor <==> Complex : k3 k4
Enzyme + Substrate <==> ReactiveX : k5 k6
ReactiveX --> Product + Enzyme : k7 k8
The names of chemical species ("Monomer", "Enzyme", etc.) are entirely arbitrary
and can be freely chosen by the investigator.
Bibliographic Reference |   |
If you publish any results obtained by using DYNAFIT, plase cite the following reference:
Kuzmic, P. (1996) Anal. Biochem. 237, 260-273.
"Program DYNAFIT for the Analysis of Enzyme Kinetic Data: Application to HIV Proteinase"
User Manual |   |
The DynaFit manual is available in two separate volumes:
Getting Started [PDF]
- Describes the user interface and the required formatting of input data files.
A worked example requires a sample data file.
Scripting [PDF]
- Describes the syntax and semantics of the DynaFit scripting language.